Briefly, about me

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I was born and raised in an orangutan sanctuary in Borneo. I had a lovely childhood — everything an ape could ask for. We had bananas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was banana milkshakes and I enjoyed banana boat rides with the family when on vacation.

But I was naturally curious. I took a selfie of myself one day and the keepers realised my talents. Particularly when I started to talk to them.

And so I studied hard and went to the best universities. I have a love of art, poetry, and Shakespeare.

I’ve always had a funny bone. One time, I was imitating the primate in front of me to the shrieking delight of my friends. And so it only seems natural that now, as a hobby in my spare time (I’m a brain surgeon and rocket scientist for the day job you see), that I’ve taken up comedy books to publish onto kindle. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them :).




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